Photo upload guidelines

Your beloved pet photo must:

  • Be well lit, shining like a star!
  • Include his complete face. No lopped off ears or whiskers!
  • Be sharp or your poster will be a blurry memory!
  • Have a clear and simple background. Less is always more!

Step 1: 

Please upload 2 photos of your pet taken from a similar angle. Photos must be clear and of decent quality. The bigger the better!

Step 2:

Choose from the following 5 templates.

Step 3:

Choose your colour and font style.

Step 4:

Be creative with some wordings.

Step 5:

Place an order and we’ll email your customised portrait and FREE phone wallpaper! Please allow for a 5 to 10-business day turnaround.


Optional extras

  • AUD15 for a tablet wallpaper or desktop background version
  • AUD20 for both tablet wallpaper and desktop background versions